Gone digital, but will your customers remember you?
Are you losing business to your competitors because you are not visible enough?
Do you get the mix right for maximising sales?
It used to be said that a potential customer needed seven reinforcements before they'd even remember your product, and make a purchase when needed. Now, with the digital revolution firmly in place, its over twenty. Yes, twenty! Your potential customers will need to have seen this amount of 'reinforcers' before they remember your particular brand when considering where to purchase.
People do more research than ever nowadays. Each customer will have started on line and looked at at least eight sources before making a decision. If you're not visible, then you're going to miss out on potential business. This article from marketing expert Barry Moltz shows you some great tips for getting noticed by potential customers.
Any surprises? I bet there are at least three you've not thought of in this article. Hat tip to SmartBrief for the lead. Image courtesy of Mashable.com
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