Use it or lose out! Making Facebook work for you.

As the social media platform with the most registered users, Facebook is a serious player. It came from nowhere to oust MySpace from the number one spot and has evolved into the multi-purpose all singing all dancing behemoth we all know and love today. In fact, there are probably not that many web-savvy businesses still not on it. But being 'on' Facebook, and using it effectively to promote your organisation and build a lasting following are two entirely different things all together.

So many businesses are failing to capture the full potential of Facebook, and, you know, its not actually that difficult. Just try these ideas to pimp up your page and start feeling the power of Facebook boosting your social media ROI....

1. Make your site an InfoHub. Apart from the 'Like' button, keep your visitors longer by using some of the Facebook apps. Locator functionality lets your visitors see at a glance where you are. Adding Tabs can display your daily deals or offers. Go explore Facebook apps and see what they can do for you..

2. Welcome tabs make great landing pages. Have a look and see what you could do at Facebook welcome tabs. You can add video and 'what do you want?' interactivity to engage and converse with your visitors.

3. Make sure you have a contributor tab. Get your visitors adding their opinions on your industry or business. We do social media at Ruby's Future. Our contributor tabbed page should have customer feedback, as well as opinions on the latest industry trends, and what works for you? top tips thrown into a common melting pot of ideas.

4. Reward your fans. Run special offers and promotions just for them ! Exclusive content, vouchers for deals, a monthly special... the possibilities are endless, so go figure.

5. Sell your product. Setting up a facebook store is easy. Fans can browse your range, look at photos, watch video, and buy online. Visit Facebook Store and explore!

6. Add your blog. Use NetworkedBlogs to add a feed from your blog to the Facebook front page. Share your organisation news and events, and invite comments. Blogs are great for informal engagement and quick and easy to set up and update.

7. Be brave- ask for feedback. Only by asking your fans what you need to do better can you hope to grow your business activities successfully, so go on, take a risk and ask your fans. You might be pleasantly surprised !

8. Spread the love. You are passionate about your business, otherwise you wouldn't be doing it, so share this passion with your fans and engage them with your message. Add music and share buttons and watch your passion go viral across the Facebook universe.

Is it time for you to revisit your Facebook site ? Let us know how you got on...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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