Social media changes Scotland's second vote war

There have been some interesting exchanges on Twitter this past fortnight, involving former SNP education supremo Mike Russell, aka @Feorlean. It appears that, along with the Greens, the SNP is the only political party actively engaging with the voters via social media, in any defined and strategic way. This is most probably due, amongst other things, to their political savvy in recognising the power of new media and engaging the redoubtable Ewan McIntosh to advise them. A wise move by the Nats. In general because social media enables mass communication and personalised engagement, both at the same time. And in particular, because Ewan is always ahead of the curve with a proven track record when it comes to communications, technology and learning.

Mike Russell has been brave enough to come online via Twitter and not
only post updates, but answer queries and criticisms head on, even promising direct involvement with individuals involved with aspects of education in Scotland should his party be returned to office after the election. I must say, this makes a refreshing change from the usual involvement strategy for any government education initiative which comprises of representatives from LTS, HMIE, Unions, etc etc etc yada yada yada, Teachers individually not included, of course. Whilst not being critical, per se, the latest Scottish Government Technologies for Education initiative is the latest example of this. After a promising start, the ‘steering group’ is comprised of, you’ve guessed it, the usual suspects, with not an individual teacher or educationalist in sight.

I digress, however. The point I’m trying to make is this. Why are the SNP and Greens the only parties taking advice, forming a social media strategy, and actively engaging (not just dumping their message) with the electorate in the way that Mike Russell has clearly demonstrated. He might just have gained a few more friends, fans, and therefore, votes for his party by this engagement. And as we al know here in Scotland, the battlefield for second votes is a fiercely-fought skirmish. effective use of Social Media might just be the key to those all important votes.

With less than two weeks to go, will the other political parties fully embrace social media, or is it too late ? Maybe a last-minute targetted campaign would be very effective in swinging those last minute undecided voters. Time will tell, for sure...
Posted on 03:28 by Rubysfuture and filed under , , , , , , | 0 Comments »


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