An introduction to social media for business - in tweets
Last week we went to the Business to Business conference event at the SECC. Took in a talk by Mike_McGrail (@mikemcgrail on twitter) of the Big Partnership, a social media marketing company based in Glasgow's West End. I thought I'd tweet notes from his talk. I was surprised that he didn't have a hash-tag for the seminar, but I guess it might not have meant much to many folks there. So I made one up anyway (#B2B).
Now, as it turned out, this was quite a common hashtag worldwide and I was a bit perplexed as to how to aggregate my tweets into something meaningful for this blogpost. However, a great Twitter pal, @daveterron responded to my call for help with a great widget. You enter the search parameters, which helped me narrow the hashtag search down to my own tweets, and get given the HTML for insertion into a website or blog post. Roberts your mother's brother, as they say, and, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, as they also say.
Here is my set of notes from the seminar, as a tweet cascade. Nice.
If you want this wonderful widget, here's the link...
A very useful social media tool indeed !
Posted on 02:19 by Ruth Richards-Hill and filed under | 0 Comments »
Now, as it turned out, this was quite a common hashtag worldwide and I was a bit perplexed as to how to aggregate my tweets into something meaningful for this blogpost. However, a great Twitter pal, @daveterron responded to my call for help with a great widget. You enter the search parameters, which helped me narrow the hashtag search down to my own tweets, and get given the HTML for insertion into a website or blog post. Roberts your mother's brother, as they say, and, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, as they also say.
Here is my set of notes from the seminar, as a tweet cascade. Nice.
If you want this wonderful widget, here's the link...
A very useful social media tool indeed !
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